

nMotion Proponents Learn from Past

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People are now weighing in on the $6 billion plan that could transform how you get around in middle Tennessee.

Transportation leaders unveiled the plan Wednesday, called nMotion, and they say they've learned from the past.

They say during debate two years ago over the bus rapid transit line called the AMP, they didn't get enough public input, so now they say they’ve corrected that for the nMotion proposal, which includes up to four corridors of light rail.

Even one-time opponents of the AMP say so far they're supporting this larger transportation plan.

”Today they showed us the bigger picture,” said Rick Williams, who was once the chairman of the “Stop AMP” movement.  “It’s important to see what the plan is going forward, then as you start to implement different pieces of it, you build it out, you have an overall comprehensive plan.”

The next step for the nMotion project announced Wednesday is a 30-day comment period for people to look at the plans, and weigh in again.